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Fit versus Healthy

There is a difference between being in top physical shape and holistically healthy. Some people may be in great athletic shape, but are actually neglecting their body’s other internal health needs through bad habits.

There have been numerous cases where professional athletes in the peak of their careers have died of heart attacks and other natural complications. Could these deaths

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The One Simple Summer Eating Tip to Make You Feel Fantastic

Healthy eating tips for the summer are a little tricky.

Since the weather is warm, you need light, cooling foods.  Juicy peaches, sweet watermelons, tomatoes hot off the vine…  The right foods are easy to find.  One trip through your garden or a walk through a farmer’s market and you’ll have the perfect summer meal.

But since you’re outside exercising

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How Traditional Chinese Diabetic Treatments Bring New Hope for an Old Disease

Diabetes is a worldwide concern.  Millions of people suffer or die from it and its complications.  The rate at which it is increasing in the population is staggering.

According to the World Health Organization about 347 million people worldwide have diabetes.  Deaths from diabetes will rise 50% in the next 10 years and by 2030 diabetes is expected

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